Thursday, 20 June 2013

Club outing on 28th April to Eyebrook Res

Rosemary reported:

Eyebrook has been fishing pretty well and I had been fishing there the previous day with the ladies team practising for the home international to take place against Ireland in June. The rules were Irish loch style so no drogues were allowed, making hard work for most in a strong wind but great practice for the team going to Ireland.Most were surprised by how many fish cane up for bushy wte flies being pulled along the surface.
Fishing on Sunday was much easier without such a strong wind. Paul and I anchored quite near the bank. I fished either a midge tip or floater with red dwyial bachs, buzzers or hares ear and had one of my better days taking 8 and releasing 4 more and missing many more takes.
I had bagged up by 12.30 but the rest struggled in comparison possibly by fishing too deep as fish were quite high in the water. fishing was more prolific in the latter part of the morning until approx. 2 pm after which things slowed down, much like the previous day. Many other anglers fished buzzers with great success. Paul took one on an orange blob fished this way.Plenty of fish were taken and were seen between the cowshed and Mucky bay.

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