Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Colwick Fly Fishing Club at Grafham Sunday 24th September 2017

This was the Club’s first visit to Grafham Water. It was a beautiful day with what looked like perfect conditions and we were given advice of where to fish and with what by no less than the England Ladies Team Manager, Chris Bobby.  Indeed, two of the Ladies Team joined us for the day, Lianne Frost taking total newcomer Anna out for the day.

Sadly the fish had not read the script and we all struggled, with many getting half hearted follows, takes that did not stick on, and there were one or two lost fish.

Best rod was John Parnham with 5 fish, all taken on a white snake with a touch of orange fished on a long midge tip. He did not get any of his fish until mid afternoon, so well done John for perseverance!

Best Brownie 2lb 11oz taken by Keith Prowting fishing a booby on a Di 5.
Best Rainbow 3lb 06oz taken by guest Louise Callow.

A variety of lines and flies were used and odd fish were caught on the top on a floater, Slow Glass, and Midge tip lines.  Josh had loads of takes fishing a Di 7 with a white booby with a touch of pink but only managed to land two.

It was great to have Rob Anderton join us on his first outing with the Club and 10 out of 10 to Anna who only had a rod in her hand for the first time at Jed’s memorial day last week for some casting instruction.  So a big thank you to Lianne for taking Anna out for her first ever time fly fishing & Chris for some extra casting tuition. Keep it up and those tight lines will come!  

John Parnham        5 Fish      10lb
Rosemary                                  4lb  12oz
Keith Prowting                          4lb    8oz
Paul Leivers                               4lb    3oz
Josh Wheeler                            3lb  14oz
Tom Morton                              2lb  00oz
Robert Anderton                      1lb   15oz
Bill Richardson                          1lb   15oz   

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Ergasilis at Colwick?

Dear All,

I have had a call from John Simpson to inform me he has spoken with someone from the Environment agency who is researching other trout fisheries that have this problem within a certain radius of Colwick.
He has planned to come out and see John on Wednesday and do a thorough testing of the water.
The CC will probably suggest no public fishing for the time being but of course permit holders who paid their tickets can fish if they so wish on the basis you are going to struggle at present.
The next stocking due 26th Sept may well be postponed depending on Environement advice and talking to Olsten Fisheries. This would seem a wise thing to do to me, certainly until the water temperature drops.

Kind regards


A CFFC Day in Memory of Jed Savage at Colwick Fishery Sunday 17th September 2017

It was wonderful to see a full car park, all the boats out and several morefishing on the bank. It was a lovely day too, with the rain holding off until all were in - bar a few spots here and there. We welcomed people who have been on the odd Taster Day, some who started out on their fly fishing experience thanks to Jed and several of our club members. Jed was well remembered.
Sadly the fish did not play ball, due I am afraid to the conditions of late and the one and only fish caught was covered in Argulus (fish lice). This has been reported to The Manager and samples left at the Lodge. It is concerning that none of the very recently stocked fish have been landed since stocking last week.
That apart, well done to Keith Prowting taking the one fish on a Di 5 with a black snake. It should also be mentioned that relative newcomer Chris Hawke had a fish on but lost it at the net - on a sinking line with a green and white fly. Tighter lines next time!
A big THANK YOU to Amanda for organising the food, Dave for doing the BBQ, and Rosemary on the bank to help with casting. She will have her own Ladies team going soon judging by the two ladies having a go. 
All those who came to support Jed’s memory had a lovely social time, good food, and lots of fresh air. We decided it was well worth repeating at another time of year when we can hopefully guarantee a few fish!

Monday, 11 September 2017

CFFC at Rutland Sunday 10th September 2017

Owing to Rutland boats being fully booked we were unable to get extra for those wishing to attend  this outing. We were therefore only 4 boats.
May I stress you should advise Dave Mee “outings secretary” well in advance if you wish to attend an outing where possible to be sure of a boat.
A very hard days fishing with the wind getting up as the day progressed, little rain, only really getting wet when moving the boat!

We were led to believe that Glass lines teamed with a blob/fab on top dropper with nymphs/hoppers etc behind would do the business.
This was not to be and those who did best were Paul using a White Snake on a sinking line and Keith catching on a Montaddy on a Di 3 then a Snake on a Di 5.
Jack broke his duck at Rutland catching three, two on a Zulu and one on a Black Nomad on a fast intermediate line.
Kez and Rosemary were very miffed with their duck eggs!!   We will live to fight another day!
Others fishing matches I am told did best with two boobies 13ft apart with a nymph in the middle stripped back fast.

Paul Leivers             5 fish    10lb 50z
Keith Prowting        4 fish    6lb  4oz
Jack Strong              3 fish     5lb  4oz
Josh Wheeler          1 fish     3lb  0oz
Bill Richardson        1 fish     2lb  7oz
John Parnham         1 fish     1lb  2oz            

If you wish to fish Grafham on 24th Sept, Round Robin at Draycote on 1st Oct, Colwick on 8th Oct advise soonest. Boats are subject to availability.

Tight Lines RG 11.9.17

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Please note

Dear Club Members,

As you will know a meeting took place on 30th August with City Council employees Eddie Curry, James Dymond & John Simpson to further discuss/review The Fishery.  Keith, Bill and Rosemary attended along with season permit holders John Bradbury and Dave Whylie, and new club member Steve Sinclair. 
Prior to this meeting KP and RG had been in touch with The Angling Trust, of which we as a club are members, and I attach below a letter that they  wrote to the Council employees.   I am very glad to say that immediately following the meeting James Dymond contacted The AT, asking for a meeting with them.

We very much hope to hear a follow up in due course and will report in full at our next club meeting on Wed 13th September. The future of Colwick will obviously be on our agenda and we would urge as many of you as at all possible to attend.  Your support, positive ideas and offers of help will be very important in keeping Colwick going in the way that we feel it should operate.

I must add that John Simpson Manager of Colwick Country Park says he has received a lot of very unpleasant verbal abuse from fishermen in particular. This is not helpful and will not get us very far. I trust this has not come from any of CFFC but if you know of anyone acting in this way please ask them to refrain and to make any complaint they wish to make either to the Club or to James Dymond & Eddie Curry.  Incidentally, Colwick has not been fishing at all well for the last 3 weeks. This is very much due to the water temperature and algae. This happens and the fishery cannot be blamed and many other waters have suffered recently. That is fishing as they say. The next stocking is due on 6th September  and hopefully with cooling weather and some rain it will freshen things up.

Keep Sunday 17th September free for a day at the fishery in memory of Jed.   The committee will be putting something out very soon on how this will run. If you intend to come and wish to fish from a boat it would be helpful to know as 6 boats are booked at present, and it would be great to have all the boats out.  

Rosemary & Keith

Monday, 7 August 2017

Colwick Fishery Taster Day Sunday 6th August 2017

A pleasant mostly over cast day with a westerly breeze greeted 7 enthusiastic participants.
Conditions looked reasonable, but we knew it might be challenging after the recent turbulent weather changes. The rain has cooled the water down a lot and the fish have spread out over much of the lake.

After the usual welcome, safety briefing on boat use, and a short casting demo by Keith, we had casting practice on the bank, and with all showing a lot of promise it was off onto the boats. We fished until 1pm when we had a break and chat about how things were going. Five fish had been landed, one by newcomer Mick.

We set off to do battle with the fish again. Some mixed fortunes with Kez’s boat landing 6 on a white snake, Rosemary’s a couple more on nymphs and John’s another one. There were fish on and off particularly for David fishing a cut throat cat. Josh took Gemma out and managed to get a monster on; he gave the rod to Gemma who played it for a while before getting snapped. I am told she is hooked and will be back again!

Most went home with a fish caught by them or their tutor. Having had a take or played a fish for a short while, but too many wily fish got off. The fish are just not feeding properly at present and the only one spooned had nothing in it

It was a pleasure to give all newcomers a taste of our wonderful sport. Do please get in touch if you would like to have another go and we will be most willing to oblige.

There is the usual big thank you to those who came and helped, especially to Josh who deserted his float tube and came to the rescue when we found we had one extra person.

If there are any folk who fish Colwick who would like to share their knowledge and skills with newcomers and be prepared to come and help on taster days, do please let the fishery or the club know.

RG 6.8.17

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Colwick FFC Taster Day 23/7/17

The weather was pretty good with it being overcast with a slight breeze creating good conditions for fly fishing. following a safety briefing and a casting demonstration Colwick FFC member volunteers assisted with some practice casting. it wasn't long before most picked up the basics and were on the boats ready to go fishing. we were told that the previous day had been difficult but were not disheartened. Half the boats went between the islands and the others went along the playground bank.
After a short while Keith went up into Brownie Deeps and found some feeding fish and promptly put 5 in the net, other boats arrived and all encountered pulls and some caught fish. we had a lunch break at 13.00 and had a chat as to how the morning went, it was obvious that brownie deeps was the place to be. so most of us headed back there. lots of fish were showing but most were right up near the bank at the very top of the deeps so only a couple of boats could get anywhere near them.
39 trout were caught and 32 were released, best flies were the yellow dancer, montaddy or the pitsford pea. All those who attended said that they had a very enjoyable day.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Inter Counties Cup (ICC)

We tried but did not conquer this time.  I have posted a short report on our Facebook page. KP you should be able to copy and paste onto our blog if wanted.

The result was     Kirby             64lb 5oz
                               Foremark     53lb 3oz
                               Colwick         34lb 6oz
                               Derby            29lb
                               Leicester      10lb

Well done to  Kez with 6 fish for 11lb   3oz
                         Rosemary  4 fish      7lb   8oz
                         Bill               3 fish     6lb  11oz
                         Tom            2 fish     3lb  12oz
                         Hilary          2 fish     3lb   1oz
                         Angus         1 fish      2lb   3oz

Hilary thanks so much for coming along to fill in for us. Angus much enjoyed his day with you.

Tighter Lines next time.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

July 2017 meeting

Owing to the boat situation at Colwick etc we are having a monthly meeting this Wednesday 12 July at The Vale Social Club. 7.30pm. We hope as many members as possible will come and we extend a warm welcome to all others who fish at Colwick & park users who enjoy seeing fishing as one of the park activities. Your comments & views will be much appreciated in ours & others endeavours to keep fishing at Colwick going as one of the assets to a lovely Country Park within the City of Nottingham boundary. Please give apologies if you can not make it and message any comments to our page or contact a committee member. See you all on Wednesday


May we remind folk that boats are only available for hire at Colwick on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sundays.They must be booked in advance, the sooner the better and preferably no later than 4pm the previous day.
01159 870785
If for some reason you are unable to go, or decide as in this last week the English weather is too bad!! You may ring or text the following number
07971 880991 early out of hours to say so. i.e. 6am ish or the night before. This you can do early to save the fishery getting boats out unnecessarily.
Boat usage will be reviewed in the next couple of months so please keep using otherwise we will lose this facility.

Colwick FFC at Draycote Sunday 9th July 2017

Colwick FFC at Draycote
Sunday 9th July 2017
The bright and hot morning before we even arrived at The Fishery meant it would be hard fishing for sure! This was certainly the case with most of us heading for the boils first thing, but none did very well. That went for many other boats there too. Some of us went off to other areas in the hope of finding fish - to no avail in most cases. Then it was return to the boils.
Kez did best taking 7 fish on a Di 7 with a Wufta Booby, John Parnham I think was fishing with a Tube fly, Rosemary eventually got going in the middle of the day taking fish on a red Cormorant, a claret hopper and Diawl bach booby all fished on a Fast Glass. Keith fished a Di 3 to get some of his fish and Josh took a lovely 3lb Blue on a Floater. So we all used very mixed methods.
It was good to welcome new CFFC member Bob Farrow Johnson on his first outing with us and guest Brian Simmons who had 4 fish between them.
Tom & Bill also explored the reservoir, avoiding the boils as we are unable to fish them in a match next week, and they took 4 fish between them. Hopefully it will cool down by next weekend and the water temperature will drop. 
Result as follows;
Kez Saxton 7 fish 17lb 12oz Best fish 3lb Rainbow
John Parnham 5 fish 10lb 11 oz
Rosemary Gunn 5 fish 9lb 12oz
Keith Prowting 4 fish 8lb
Bill Richardson 3 fish 7lb
Josh Wheeler 1 fish 3lb Best fish 3lb Blue
Tom Morton 1 fish 2lb 5oz
Tight lines to the team who fish The Inter Counties Cup next Sunday.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Colwick Fly Fishing Club Taster Day at Colwick Fishery Sunday 23rd April 2017

For our first taster day of 2017 we started with overcast weather with the sun coming out more through the morning. Fish were showing themselves not too far from the bank which was encouraging.

A group of 8 had come to learn what fly fishing was all about and to have a go at casting. After a short safety talk and a casting demonstration, they practised casting with wool with before putting a fly on the water. We fished off the bank with floating lines and Buzzers were on the menu today with a black buzzer with a red butt proving particularly attractive to the fish.

Two of our Tasters - both named Jonathan – landed fish, one of them being a cracking specimen.
Several more fish were hooked but sadly got away, so at least 50% of the party felt a fish on the line and gained valuable experience for next time.

2017-04-23 10.44.15.jpg
We would particularly like to thank “Park Lives“ for renewing some of the fishing tackle at the fishery for use on these days; it was certainly put to good use. And we also have the usual big thank you to all the Volunteers who came to help on the day. Without their time and skills these days could not happen.

My day is always made when newcomers to the sport land their first fish – and what a beauty it was today. 4lb 9oz - not bad for one’s first trout!


Monday, 10 October 2016

CFFC at Blithfield Reservoir 9/10/16

One our last trip of the season we were greeted by bright sunshine and a gentle wind on our arrival at Blithfield Reservoir and as such we expected it to be difficult.
This turned out to be a correct prediction as pulls were at a premium. Kev Saxton having fished Carsington the day before decided to fish hoppers and shipmans buzzers which raise a few fish on long drifts across the reservoir. As Kev put it I’m not stripping lures all day after doing it yesterday.
this turned out to be the best tactic as although no fish were seen early on they did come up for his flies. Tom Morton fish a small booby on the point and a black diawl bach the dropper. Keith Prowting fish on a di 3 and di5 and had several pull hooking and losing several trout.
John Parnum started on sinking lines but changed to a floating line with orange blobs on the droppers and a booby on the point.

1st Tom Morton 9lb 5oz             
2nd John Parnum 9lb 3oz               
3rd Kez Saxton 9lb                  
4th Keith Prowting 4lb 12oz    
5th Roy Henson 2lb           
6th Bill Richardson 1lb 12oz   

Biggest fish Tom Morton 3lb 1 oz

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

CFFC at Colwick Sunday 18th September 2016

Five boats went out today plus there were a few others out not fishing with the club. Kez had his mind very focussed first off and pulled sunburst blobs on a Di 3 sweep fishing towards the roadside. He bagged up fairly quickly as did John Parnham doing a similar thing with pink or Orange. Keith fishing with Kez managed 3 to begin with but kept losing them. He later bagged up fishing along the trees just this side of Brownie Deeps fishing a Damsel.

Others went up to the Islands and Brownie Deeps battling their way through the appalling weed (never been so bad at Colwick) There were several boats there having little or no success.

Rosemary and Richard started late along the roadside, had some follows before moving and ended up with three to the boat which included a nice Brownie for Richard, both lost some and both wereg broken, Richard sadly losing a lovely fish off the roadside bank. One of those days!

John Parnham 11lb 13oz
Kez Saxton 10lb 10oz
Keith Prowting 10lb 08oz
Richard Packman 3lb 12oz
Rosemary Gunn 1lb 12oz

It paid to be out early as fishing was much harder later.

Final outing Sunday 9th October at Blithfield. Let Keith know if you plan to go.  

Friday, 9 September 2016

Final CFFC Taster Day 9/9/16

Today was our last taster day of the season, unfortunately several participants had to cancel for various reasons.
We only had one person today and that was Mark Clayton. Mark was given the usual safety briefing and then some casting tuition before we went out in the boat, the first challenge was negotiating through the dense patches of weed, so with Mark acting as lookout and guide we managed to get through and into deeper water between the two top islands. Colwick member Bill Richardson was already fishing and reported that he had a couple of pulls but had no fish.
Mark and I went up into brownie deeps where a few fish were showing so we anchored down and started fishing, all known methods were tried from Di3 sweep to Di5 sweep and di7 lines, nothing was taking or chasing the flies, we moved to several locations where we had seen fish jumping but we could not persuade the trout to take, so this was the theme for most of the day until around 2pm I decided to go back into brownie deeps and have another crack at those fish up there.
Bill was up there and told us that fish were moving close to the bank and weed beds, so we set up again.
The wind was moving the boat in all directions which made it difficult to cast and when we got a decent line out we could not reach the fish, again we lifted the anchor but this time we moved very slowly right up into the top corner where a number of trout were leaping, bingo, first fish on, a nice plump rainbow around 1lb 8oz, this was followed by a nice couple of brown trout which Mark landed.

Best fly was a flashback damsel which caught the brownies and the old faithful montady took the rainbow. 

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Draycote Sunday 4th September Round Robin Interclub Match

CFFC took part in the above today, 4 boats per team fishing for 16 fish to the boat if possible!
Conditions were great, the water on the warm side though, however fish were reasonably near the surface.

Fish were taken on all manner of methods, Kez and new team member Dave Mee taking 8 each fishing a floater all day with a Booby on the top dropper, a claret Hopper and a black Hopper on the droppers. They put the rest of our team to shame!

Best bags from other teams were using a mixture of Di 3 with a Booby taking several fish. Some fished Di 5 and Di 3 with Snakes. Keith had a tough time for him and was disappointed with 3 taken on his usual mix Di 3 and a Montaddy down at Toft.Many reported follows and fish just not taking, Paul had fish on and off several times.

It was great to have two new faces join our team today Richard Packman and Dave Mee, the latter showing us all up with 8 fish for 18lb and being 3rd best bag overall. Kez was top bag on the day with 20lb 2oz. Well done guys.

Overall result:-
Foremark 68lb 10oz
Colwick 59lb 07oz
Packington Not disclosed

Colwick boats Kez Saxton & David Mee Total 16 fish for 38lb 2oz
Tom Morton & Bill Richardson 4 fish for 8lb 4 oz
Paul Leivers & Rosemary Gunn 3 fish for 7lb 11oz

                            Keith Prowting & Richard Packman 3 fish for 5lb 6oz

Monday, 22 August 2016

Colwick FFC at Foremark Sunday 21st August

The Dog Days of August! Nine of us turned up at Foremark to find an empty carpark -the first time I have ever seen that. And yes - the rod average has been very low of late - 0.9. Could we buck the trend?!

We decided to take 4 fish tickets and see what we could do.

We had mixed fortunes - Kez took 4 and released 1, John P took 4, and Angus fishing with Kez had more follows and pulls than Kez but none stuck on other than his last fish - but that went too when Kez went to net it. The dropper caught in the net first and the fish then snapped off.

Another hard luck story was Keith losing one when it went round the Anchor rope and snapped off - a great shame as it was one of the few fish seen rising near the Cascade. He cast to it and it took -and I witnessed that one! Later he was snapped again and ended the day with 1 fish.

Ron managed 2. Roy had 3 but did not weigh them in (not sure why not?). The rest of us got nothing, but the odd Perch and mussels were recorded!
Most successful lines were Di 5 and Di 3, and flies were Sean Dickie, Heineken, Yellow Dancer, and a black and green Snake.

End of the day photo says it all – shattered!

Result :-
John Parnham 4 fish 8lb 6oz - Best fish 2lb 11oz
Kez Saxton 4 fish 7lb 8oz
Ron Madden 2 fish 4lb 3oz
Keith Prowting 1 fish 2lb 4oz
A rod average of 1.6. Well done to those who caught fish.


Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Colwick Fishery Taster Day – Tuesday 16th August Run by Colwick FFC

This was the 5th of our taster days at Colwick Fishery this year and it was a hot hot day, so well done to all who stuck at it all day!

On arrival, while putting rods up etc, we saw that there were quite a few fish rising off the roadside bank which we hoped was a good sign.

All participants were given a talk on health and safety, those without a licence being covered by our temporary licence for the day. This was followed by some guidance on casting off the bank before going out on a boat with a volunteer from the club.

Your correspondent feared the worst and that a blank day was in the offing. However, 4 fish were landed, 3 of them to the Star Tutor of the day - Bill Richardson - including the gorgeous 3lb 12oz fish in the photo, taken on a Montaddy on the point of a Di 5 line with a Damsel on the dropper, approx leader length 12ft. This meant his partner Graham had a good time as he got to play and land two of the fish.

Keith also landed one so Peter was able to take one home for tea.

Our thanks as always go to those who give up their time to pass on their love of fishing and we hope give a good experience to those who come along for a taste of this magical sport.

If you would like to do some more fishing please do not hesitate to contact the Club for more information about the fishery, ticket prices for beginners, etc., or the Lodge - tel. 01159870785. The club will always do their best to help you out when needed.    

Monday, 1 August 2016

Colwick FFC at Colwick Sunday 31st July

Where are you all? Two guys did not show up today. It is courteous to let Secretary Susie or Match Secretary Rosemary know if you cannot make it so that we can inform the fishery that we need less boats. Some fisheries charge for no shows.

That said, those of us who fished all caught fish; there were plenty about but not always easy to catch. Keith and Kez shared a boat and did well on Di 5’s with a Yellow Dancer. Needless to say Keith had a Montaddy on the point and took a couple of his fish on that. He also had the best fish of the day - a nice Brownie of 3lb 15 oz.

Bill took 5 fish, again on a Di 5 with various snake flies. He had fished yesterday with success using a Snake and persevered today, though found life somewhat harder. Rosemary, using her new Snowbee Di 5, took 5 fish on a small pink Booby fishing washing line. She had loads of pulls but they were not hooking up and No 6 proved impossible to get.

Result:- Keith Prowting 12lb 15 oz = Heaviest fish 3lb 15oz
Kez Saxton 12lb 15 oz =
Rosemary Gunn 9lb 10 oz
John Parnham 9lb 1 oz
Bill Richardson 8b 9 oz

Roy Henderson 8lb 0 oz

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

CFF C Taster Day 24th July 201

Comments have gone on Facebook before my report! Daniel Down, one very happy participant posted a great photo on facebook showing his fish for the day. Tea was sorted! Chris Hawke has started fly fishing and could cast but no fish to date. Bingo he fished with Kez who showed him how to do it with 10 and Chris had his first trout – 11 to the boat.
A further three had their very first go at fly fishing, some finding the casting hard to get the timing right. Like learning to ride a bike, once you can do it, it all seems so easy! Until you get the action right it all seems so hard and a lot to take in. Persevere guys!
A great day and not too hot after our mini heatwave, the water temperature was still hot though which meant the fish were near or on the bottom. Best method was a sinking line used by tutor Kez with a Yellow Dancer on the point and a Sunburst Blob on the dropper. A few more fish were hooked and lost, Callum at least had a good pull but did not act quickly enough in raising his rod, others had a few pulls too.
Thanks to all who volunteered their time to help and share their experience with newcomers whom I hope we shall see again. Do not hesitate to contact the club or Colwick Fishery. Special rates for novices who join the club and wish to take a season ticket at Colwick.
Thanks too to those who have already commented on the day so positively, it makes it so very rewarding to those of us who put the days together. All comments are appreciated so that we can improve future events.

RG 25.7.16

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Inter Counties Cup at Draycote – Sunday 17th July 2016

All I can say is that it was a disaster for Colwick FFC. We did our best which was not good enough, not having practised on the water before and therefore not knowing as much as others.
Five clubs took part which was good. The weather was damp to start with, having rained a little on the way to the fishery, but during the day it dried and as forecast became hot and sunny. Later in the afternoon there was quite a strong wind.
John Parnham, fishing a Di 8 with a big orange fly or a tube, took 5 fish as did Keith Prowting fishing a Di 3 and 5 with a montaddy on point and small white lure on the dropper. Kez took 3 using a Heineken and the rest of us were 1s and 2s all fishing sinking lines. The previous fishing reports of excellent dry fly fishing did not materialize.
The result:-
Derby 80lb 15oz
Leicester 71lb 4oz
Foremark 61lb 4oz
Colwick 48lb 00oz
Kirby Not disclosed !! Shall we just say The Wooden Spoon?

What worked on the day generally were black snakes fished on a Di 5 in the morning, and for Jodi of Foremark a white snake during the last hour of the afternoon. Jodi took 6 fish in all and her partner Mark 3 fish.
Theirs was the best boat on the day with a total of 28lb 2oz
Best individual bag 19lb 11oz
Best fish 3lb 12oz

The day was organised by Martin Brown of Kirby FFC most efficiently with lots of nice prizes including some generous raffle prizes. Thanks to Martin a good time was had by all even if it was a little tiring to say the least!

RG 18.7.16  

Monday, 20 June 2016

Colwick FFC at Draycote Sunday 19th June 2016

It was a reasonable day, bright to start with and then the cloud came over, the wind got up a little but otherwise conditions looked good. It was good to welcome new member Jim Landers fishing his first outing with the club. He fished C/R.

Most of us fished near the tower to begin with bar Rosemary and Jim who started in the middle where fish were showing now and then. They then moved to the tower bank before going down to Toft Shallows. Both took a fish there and the rest followed and started catching.

John Parnham struck gold with “Curtain Tassles” as Susie describes his large lures! He took 8 fish with these fished on a Di 8 line, all in the deeper water near the tower.
Kezz took 8 fish and released a further 4 on a Di3 with a Pitsford Pea doing most of the damage, the same for Angus who ended up with 5 fish.
Keith and Tom fished Montaddys and bright blobs on the dropper on Di 3 lines taking 8 and 6 fish respectively.

Result :-
John Parnham 8 fish 23lbs
Kez Saxton 8 fish 18lbs
Keith Prowting 8 fish 17lb 15oz
Tom Morton 6 fish 13lb 2oz
Angus Craig Dennis 5 fish 11lb 12oz Heaviest fish 3lb 10oz

Rosemary Gunn 1 fish 2lb 00oz

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Fishing with the England Ladies Loch Style Team 2016

As always there is a qualifying match each year (The England Ladies National Championship) Qualifying criteria has changed in that only 8 qualify automatically on the result of the match . It is then at the Manager’s discretion to pick the rest of the team from CV’s sent in by those who failed to qualify or who were unable to fish at the National Championship.
I did not automatically qualify. My fishing for wild brownies is limited so l was not a first choice thereafter. Still, I had put my CV in and sadly some of those selected had to drop out owing to injury or personal reasons. So I got a last minute call from our Manager, Chris Bobby, asking if there was any chance of my getting to Carron Valley Reservoir for the Home International to take place on the 26th May 2016. This was an opportunity I decided must not be missed!
It was a perfect excuse to leave my other half to deal with painters for the week I was to be away, and a slight mishap, slipping in the garage while packing the car to go, resulted in a couple of cracked ribs! However my country called and I made it for two friendly and two official days practice.
It was a great honour to represent England and gain my third cap, and to do this in Scotland in such magic surroundings as Carron Valley was just a dream come true. Being unable to join the team immediately it was my good fortune to miss the wettest day and only experience lesser extremes of weather, wet, cold and hot. I have to say that the wind at times was the biggest challenge.
On nice clear days the scenery was just magical with fabulous viewings of Osprey, many Oyster catchers and plenty more - including catching my first ever Powan (something I had never even heard of before). It all added to the joy of this wonderful experience.
Team mates were all great and special mention has to go to Tricia Cooke – the only new cap in our team this year. Tricia started fly fishing by participating in a “Casting for Recovery” retreat about 3 years ago. It is just fabulous what CFR does for women who have had or are suffering from Breast Cancer. To have one lady come this far so quickly is special indeed. Congratulations Tricia.
Match day dawns and I am drawn with a Scottish Lady. This slightly unnerved me as I felt they were the main competition, and this proved to be so. Still, if they knew where the fish were hopefully I might catch a few of them!? Nothing venture nothing gained!
My day was great as I landed 8 fish, but one was undersize and two were Powan which did not count, so I only counted 5 - which bettered my boat partner who had 2. We had a charming Boatman and the day passed very quickly. I was shattered going back to car park with all my gear having put my all into the day!
I was pleased with my personal performance being 15th out of the 48 fishing and 4th within our own team. All fish were measured by the boatman before being released. Scotland won with two ladies having large bags of fish measuring far more than the rest of us, and Ireland beat England into bronze position.
Scotland 71 fish total length 2694 cm, best fish 55cm, best bag 17 fish = 666cm
Ireland 49 fish “ “ 1675 cm
England 40 fish “ “ 1291 cm
Wales 35 fish “ “ 1224 cm
Rosemary Gunn - England - 5 Fish – 171cm Longest fish 44 Total length 171cm

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

A Day out to Elinor : Sierra Pairs

CFFC members Kez Saxton and Rosemary Gunn decided to give the Sierra Pairs Competion a go and so we set off for The Elinor Heat on Sunday 5th June. On arrival we got a warm welcome from fishery Manager Ed Foster and were each given a Scierra goodie bag. That made Kez’s day to begin with!
We fished to fishery rules from 10am-5pm, but if anyone bagged up early they had to return to the Lodge to get their fished weighed and a time bonus recorded.
We had a frustrating start with Kez getting loads of follows when fishing a floater pulling a Booby with two Hoppers behind. He got his first fish on a claret Hopper. Then it was time to change with Rosemary switching to a Fast Glass and taking a fish on a red cruncher and one on a small sunburst Blob. Kez followed suit with a Montaddy on the point.
Having started with a cold north east wind it was now really hotting up with a very bright sun so this suggested changing to a Di 5 Sweep. Kez took another fish, then there was a lull until Rosemary got going with four fish in quick succession, 2 taken on Keith Prowting’s Montaddy variant and a couple more on the small sunburst blob. One of these was a nice 4lb 12oz fish which helped our overall bag weight.
We finally got fish number 12 at 3pm and made a quick return to the jetty and rush to the lodge to weigh in. Our overall bag weight was 29lb 8oz which included a time bonus. Being first to come in was good, but now we had an agonising wait to see who followed and their bag weights. We were told a stonking double figure fish had been caught at 11am but no one knew how many more that boat had taken!
By 5pm it was looking hopeful as no one else had come in. The large fish was a huge 14lb 1oz but that boat only had two more fish. The next best boat had 10 fish and, hey! we had the best weight! We won a nice pair of Scierra Sunglasses each and qualified for the final at Brenig on the 28th August!


Colwick FFC / Notts Salmon & Trout Ass Junior day 4th June 2016

Colwick Country Park Fishery hosts another junior day. We had a full complement of 12 youngsters made up of 7 new to Fly fishing, Evelyn who had her first go at our last day and 4 more who are all showing a lot of promise.

The usual mix of fly tying and learning to cast or improve their casting technique on the grass in the morning coached by Mick Huffer and his helpers. After Bob’s excellent BBQ all were then ready to have a go in the afternoon fishing off the roadside bank.

The water was generally very calm and what ripple there was, was a little too far out. This did not stop Anthony (AJ) catching his first ever trout having cast himself and struck into the fish as soon as he thought he felt something. This was taken on a black and red silver beaded buzzer that he had tied during the morning session. A huge well done to AJ – the star of the day!

Kayleigh was into the action again taking the opportunity to play a fish that Keith hooked, this was expertly played and landed. Patrick also had the chance to play a fish, however he was snapped off. I fear he played the fish too hard. Never mind all good experience and we all have to learn the hard way more often than not!

I hope many of you will have another go as you all tried so hard, even the odd regular angler fishing on the day did not do too well!

Thanks to all who came and helped in various ways. We look forward to our next day on the 2nd July.

Monday, 23 May 2016

CFFC at Colwick 22/5/16

A beautiful sunny morning greeted us today, a light westerly wind was nigh on perfect, the only thing that spoilt it was a poor turnout especially on our home water, however those that did turn up had a good days fishing with everyone catching.
Angus Craig Dennis took a 2 fish ticket and had a great morning taking his 2 and going on to release a further 8 including a brownie, much to the amusement of those around him as he showed Kezz Saxton how to do it, although Kezz did come back in the end.
They were fishing buzzers un floating lines with a slow retrieve.
Tom Morton did really well concentrating on two areas, one in the corner near the slippage and the other in buzzer bay. Tom also fished buzzers and caught the biggest fish of the day a 5lb 3oz Rainbow,
John Parnum fish sinking lines and lures to take his 6 fish whilst Keith Prowting fish his di3 sweep early on and then switched to the washing line and took several fish on that method.

!st Tom Morton 14lb 8oz
2nd Keith Prowting 12lb 4oz
3rd Kezz Saxton 11lb 10oz
4th John Parnum 10lb 13oz
5th Roy Henson 4lb 5oz
6th Angus Ctaid Dennis 4lb

Biggest fish Tom Morton 5lb 3 oz

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Colwick Fly Fishers 2016

Please note the last 2 dates and venues have been changed

5 boats booked at all venues unless stated
*(6 At Colwick)

Sunday 22nd May * Colwick NG4 2GW 0115 9870785
Sunday 12th June Taster Day at Colwick (Volunteers to help please)
Sunday 19th June Draycote CV23 8AB 01788 812018 & 07766827809
Sunday 17th July Draycote INTER COUNTIES CUP -TEAMS
Sunday 31st July *Colwick
(Fri 29th- Sun 31st July CLA Game Fair, Ragley Hall, Alcester, Warks. B49 5NJ
Sunday 21st August Foremark , DE65 6EG 01283 703202
(Fri 2nd-Sun 4th Sept Chatsworth Country Fair – Help on Junior stand welcome)
Please advise Alan & Mollie Smith if you can help

Sunday 4th September Draycote, ROUND ROBIN . TEAMS
Sunday 11th September Rutland, LE15 8HD 01780 686441
Sunday 18th September * Colwick
Sunday 9th October Blithfield, WS15 3DU 01283 840284
There will be 4 boats per team at ICC & Round Robin

PLEASE ADVISE ROSEMARY IF YOU WISH TO FISH ANY OF THE ABOVE ON 01159 665874, 07702313213 or or KEITH PROWTING 07572240958 or Boats will be subject to availability.
All are welcome, guests too (max 2 outings for guests before joining the Club)

Juniors usually get a junior rate please ask for details as each fishery varies.   

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Taster Day at Colwick Sunday 15th May 2016

Shirtsleeves today, the sun shining brightly! A successful day with fish caught although not
rushing to take a fly.

Newcomer Mark showed up our Chairman Keith to begin with by catching two on a black and green
Montaddy. Not bad for your first time fly fishing! Keith had to put up with getting several knocks before eventually landing a fish much to the amusement of the rest of us!!

The ladies keep their end up too, Rosemary taking Rachel out, she too caught her first ever trout, so lots of excitement & lots of smiling faces!!

Kezz’s boat let Buzzers drift round in a wind lane with plenty of success.

Hope to see some of you again, next Taster Day at Colwick on Sunday 12th June. Book in at the Lodge on 0115 9870785. For further advice contact/like Colwick Fly Fishing Club on Facebook or ask the lodge at Colwick for club details and contacts. All are welcome at our monthly meetings at The Vale Social Club on the 2nd Wednesday at 7.30pm of the month excluding July & August.

Monday, 9 May 2016

CFFC at Carsington Sunday 8th May 2016

Carsington was a wonderful place to be on such a beautiful day with really hot weather. There was a breeze to begin with, mostly from the North, but by 2pm most of us were roasted!

The fish were generally deep and the most successful line was a Di 3 sweep with a combination of a Montaddy and an orange Blob for Kezz, Angus and Keith who all started fishing off Tower Bank.

Tom and Bill fished together and spent most of the day in the Upperfields Bay area. Bill did well taking his bag limit on a floater with a variety of Buzzers and an olive fly. We shall be referring to Buzzer Bill from now on after his last three outings!

John & Rosemary went over to Middle wood area and drifted down that bank, getting some pulls and one fish for John before they went over to Tower Bank which was more productive for Rosemary who took a hard fighting 4lb fish, the heaviest of the day. They then moved to Sitch Plantation where John took the rest of his fish on a Di 8. Paul struggled until he came to Sitch where he bagged upon a fast sink and a Booby taking all his 6 fish.

It was nice to welcome Jack Strong coming on his first CFFC outing. He is new to still water fishing and particularly to boat fishing and hopefully he enjoyed the day and learned while fishing with Keith.

Angus had a good bag of fish and was thrilled to take his first ever Brownie.

Result as follows:-
Keith Prowting 6 fish 12lb 6oz
Angus Craig Dennis 6 fish 12lb 4oz
Kezz Saxton 6 fish 12lb 1oz
Bill Richardson 6 fish 11lb 8oz
John Parnham 6 fish 10lb14oz
Paul Leivers 6 fish 9lb 14oz
Rosemary Gunn 3 fish 7lb 6oz Heaviest fish 4lb
Tom Morton 3 fish 4lb 14oz

Jack Strong 2 fish 3lb 6oz

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Tom Qualifies for Troutmasters final at Grafham

Details of the Troutmaster Heat at Colwick today to qualify for the final at Grafham in September.
Tom Morton       6 fish - 12lbs 14 oz   Heaviest fish 4lb 12oz
Andy Hewkin      2 fish - 10lbs 10oz        “            “  6lb 10oz 
Rosemary Gunn 1 fish -  2lbs
Tom Morton (CFFC Member) had a stunning start going to Buzzer Bay putting a floating line on with a long leader and fishing two buzzers under a sight bob. He bagged up about midday, continued to fish catch and release and never had another pull. Photos attached.
Tom will now go to the final at Grafham to represent Colwick fishery.
The rest struggled with Andy landing two (photo attached) and Rosemary landing one. A cold wind got up which did not help.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Colwick FFC at Eyebrook Sunday 24th April

Back to one of my favourite fisheries. It is such a beautiful place and we had wonderful viewings of an Osprey, a Red Kite, several Herons and, on and off, Martins swooping down to take something off the water and encouraging us that fish were about.

A lovely drive down did not warn us of the rather fierce northerly wind that greeted us, though thankfully not as rough as last year. I suggest we try Eyebrook a month later another time!?

We all aimed for the more sheltered spots on the reservoir like Sam’s Dyke but found it hard to find or connect with fish. After a few moves, Keith and Kezz found fish just off the Hawthorns and stayed there all day, Keith landing a really nice Brownie of 3lb 6¾ - best fish of the day. He used a Di 3 sweep with his usual Montaddy doing the business.

At Sam’s Dyke Bill struck with a floating line with a black silver beaded Buzzer, red on the middle dropper and a Diawl Bach on the top dropper on a very long leader. Congratulations to Bill with a really nice bag of fish to put him in second place. Rosemary and Ron took fish in Mucky Bay before that went dead and they moved a lot before ending up near the Hawthorns. Had a Pike been a trout Rosemary would have fared better!

The rest of us used a variety of Midge tips, sink tips and Di 3’s and floaters, Black & Green, Buzzers and Diawl Bachs. Ron was particularly pleased to take one on a home tied bloodworm. Many fish were lost and at times several plucks, so it was not the easiest of days. Several of Foremark FFC were up at the Stoke Dry end pulling Di 3’s with Orange Blobs with success for several.
Keith Prowting 6 fish – 13lb 3 oz Heaviest fish Brownie 3lb 6¾
Bill Richardson 6 fish – 12lb 14oz
Kezz Saxton 6 fish – 11lb 14oz
Rosemary Gunn 4 fish – 7lb 15oz
Ron Madden 3 fish – 5lb 8oz

Tom Morton 2 fish – 3lb 7oz