Tuesday, 7 June 2016

A Day out to Elinor : Sierra Pairs

CFFC members Kez Saxton and Rosemary Gunn decided to give the Sierra Pairs Competion a go and so we set off for The Elinor Heat on Sunday 5th June. On arrival we got a warm welcome from fishery Manager Ed Foster and were each given a Scierra goodie bag. That made Kez’s day to begin with!
We fished to fishery rules from 10am-5pm, but if anyone bagged up early they had to return to the Lodge to get their fished weighed and a time bonus recorded.
We had a frustrating start with Kez getting loads of follows when fishing a floater pulling a Booby with two Hoppers behind. He got his first fish on a claret Hopper. Then it was time to change with Rosemary switching to a Fast Glass and taking a fish on a red cruncher and one on a small sunburst Blob. Kez followed suit with a Montaddy on the point.
Having started with a cold north east wind it was now really hotting up with a very bright sun so this suggested changing to a Di 5 Sweep. Kez took another fish, then there was a lull until Rosemary got going with four fish in quick succession, 2 taken on Keith Prowting’s Montaddy variant and a couple more on the small sunburst blob. One of these was a nice 4lb 12oz fish which helped our overall bag weight.
We finally got fish number 12 at 3pm and made a quick return to the jetty and rush to the lodge to weigh in. Our overall bag weight was 29lb 8oz which included a time bonus. Being first to come in was good, but now we had an agonising wait to see who followed and their bag weights. We were told a stonking double figure fish had been caught at 11am but no one knew how many more that boat had taken!
By 5pm it was looking hopeful as no one else had come in. The large fish was a huge 14lb 1oz but that boat only had two more fish. The next best boat had 10 fish and, hey! we had the best weight! We won a nice pair of Scierra Sunglasses each and qualified for the final at Brenig on the 28th August!


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